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Wednesday, May 6, 2015

The Challenge is Underway

We visited the oncologist and the circumstantial evidence and biopsy line up - Steve has advanced (metastasized; Stage IV)) pancreatic cancer. We've been pretty much bracing for this diagnosis, both emotionally and logically so it's like an aftershock. Now the race is on to find a clinical trial and be one the insurance company will agree to pay for (that could be the REAL challenge) ASAP.


  1. I'm sorry to hear your news. If you havent already, you might want to go online and check out the John Hopkins Pancreatic Cancer Research Center. They have a search engine for clinical trials along with a wealth of information and videos that offer guidance, and support. Please let me know if I can help out from a distance in any way. My love and prayers are with you ♡

  2. Dixie and Steve, I am thinking of both of you and am available if you need anything at all. Between the two of you and your research abilities I am sure you will find the best treatment possible for Steve. I will be here so don't hesitate to call and talk if I can do anything on either of your behalf's. Love, Gail

  3. good that you have each other. thoughts and love your way
